The Technology, Management and Entrepreneurship (TME) at UNB has been in operation since 29 years to great success and its overseers are currently working on what will be next for the program, given its recent growth. Buzz words like “TME Next” or “TME 5.0” are floating around the Faculty of Engineering at UNB. Since 2014, TME has produced 65 startups, including Resson an agtech company.
In an interview, Dhirendra Shukla said the options include a PhD program in entrepreneurship, a ramping up of its Energia accelerator, a program to help mature companies grow, or all of the above.
The current TME program has four pillars
and UNB is working out how to build on this success. A PhD in entrepreneurship would be the first of its kind in the region, and the university is one of several groups in Atlantic Canada wondering what it can do to help mature companies grow.
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