UNB Team Investigates Vehicle Collisions

Collision Investigation Team The Collision Investigation Team is one of a national network of university-based collision and defect investigation teams operating in Canada since 1970. Sponsored by the Road Safety Directorate of Transport Canada and located in major regional centres across the country, the geographically dispersed teams provide a mechanism for the Directorate to monitor vehicle safety issues across the country. The team’s mandate is to study all aspects of motor vehicle collisions (human, vehicular, and environmental) and safety related defects including public complaints of alleged defects. Research Objective To monitor vehicle safety issues in the region on behalf of the Road Safety Directorate of Transport Canada.The team’s mandate is to study all aspects of motor vehicle collisions (human, vehicular, and environmental) and safety related defects including public complaints of alleged defects.The findings of these studies are used to support regulatory action under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Read more about the team here.