STFX Signs Agreement With Cultivator Catalyst Coorporation

The three-year multi-disciplinary agreement between Cultivator Catalyst Corporation (CCC), THC Dispensiaries Inc (THC Inc) and St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) will focus on the development of proprietary solutions for the commercial cannabis industry, specifically on: * The creation of unique cannabis genetics that may be used in clinical trials that CCC intends to undertake * The development of new delivery methods and mechanisms for cannabis into the human body * Research into new approaches for growing and cultivating cannabis at an industrial scale * Assistance in sourcing human capital for CCC with a particular focus on StFX students and graduates * Work with regional and provincial authorities to support these activities Springboard’s member, StFX Office of Industry Liaison and Technology Transfer, represented through its manager Andrew Kendall, will support CCC, THC Inc and StFx’s researchers to ensure the research and innovations are #springboarding forward and are successfully commercialized. To read the full article on the StFX website, click here.