StFX Nurse Researchers Play Leading Role In Studying Public Health Policies In Canada

Two St. Francis Xavier University nursing professors are delving into research that could lead to changes in public health policy across Canada. Dr. Charmaine McPherson is leading a team from the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in a research project that examines a provincial policy initiative focused on leadership in healthy equity. Supported by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, a Public Health Agency of Canada program located at St. Francis Xavier University, Dr. McPherson and her team are conducting a case study of Ontario’s social determinants of health public health nurse policy initiative. This study should help strengthen public health services across Canada as practitioners work with vulnerable people. Dr. Charmaine McPherson is also working with Dr. Donna MacDougall, another StFX nursing professor and researcher, to examine a recent public health influenza vaccination policy issue in British Columbia. Dr. MacDougall is a founding member of a pan-Canadian team focused on influenza vaccine research, which is part of the World Health Organization’s global fight against the influenza pandemic. The B.C. study is being supported by the Canadian Institute of Health Research and the B.C. provincial government.