Solace Power To Expand Its Lab Into A Leading Facility Of Its Kind In The Country

Solace Power has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and is continuing going forward with big announcements. The company, that specializes in wireless power (delivering electrical energy to batteries or devices without any wires attached to them) has 30 employees and is set to expand to 35, outgrowing its current facilities in Mount Pearl, NL. With the $2.55 million from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s Atlantic Innovation Fund (repayable) and $245,000 from the Newfoundland and Labrador government’s Research & Development Corp, Solace Power is now developing a larger $4.2 million lab to continue its research and development in wireless technologies. This announcement comes on the heels of last month US$ 2.3 million research contract from Lockheed Martin. To read the full Entrevestor article, click here. To read the full NATI article, click here.