Research Drives Growth – Atlantic Canada Startup Community Looks At DAL
In 2014/2015 Entrevestor showed that startups from Atlantic Canada’s universities and colleges gain revenue twice as fast as the rest of the startup community and all eyes will now look to Dalhousie University to see how they integrate their new partnership in the Creative Destruction Lab’s new CDL-Atlantic node in Halifax and the commercialization work that is already happening through Springboard Atlantic to commercialize more scientific research.
As Atlantic Canada’s leading research university, followed by Memorial University and the University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie is now also in talks to be the first Canadian node of Innovation Corps, or I-Corps, the U.S. National Science Foundation’s program for commercializing scientific research. I-Corps specializes in teaching scientists how to commercialize their research, and in the past few years has worked with 1,500 of the leading scientists in the U.S.
Given that the region’s startup community is maturing and includes more companies than ever, the challenge is to keep those companies and new ones growing into mature companies that offer unique and impactful products which often requiring extensive scientific research. However, given Dal’s research capacity and together with Springboard Atlantic, CDL-Atlantic, Launch Dal, ShiftKey Labs and the IDEA Project and hopefully I-Corps, Dalhousie is set to influence the startup community in a fundamental and far-reaching way.
To read the full Entrevestor article click here.
To read the Chronicle Heralds article on Entrevestor’s article click here.
For the raw data from the Entrevestor chart in the picture, including the percentage changes, please visit their Facebook page. Just click here.