MUN And UPEI Receive ACOA AFI Funding For Cultured Salmon Research

MUN researcher Dr. Kurt Gamperl and UPEI researcher Dr. Mark Fast have been working for 15 years to improve the regions aquaculture production of salmon and other fish species, with the aim to reduce the impact of pathogens and changing environmental conditions. Both circumstances can lead to disease and poor health, directly impacting the industry. This pan-Atlantic project will be using genomics and other biotechnologies to imporve the health and well-being of cultured Atlantic salmon and is lead by Drs. Gamperl and Fast, MUN Department of Ocean Sciences, Faculty of Science and UPEI’s Atlantic Veterinary College, respectively. The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) awarded $2.9 million in AIF funding, which is matched with $1.5 million in funding from Newfoundland’s provincial government ($500,000), industry and other academic partners for the total project cost of $4.4 million. Supported by MUN’s Technology Transfer and Industry Liaison Office and UPEI’s Synapse, members of Springboard Atlantic, the research and engagement with industry has been steadily #springboarding forward and Springboard Atlantic came further behind this pan-Atlantic initiative with Innovation Mobilization Marketing Support funding. To read the full article in The Gazette, click here. To read the full article in The Telegram, click here. To read the full article in The Guardian, click here. To read the full article in VOCM, click here.