In New Brunswick, the federal government and the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation contributed $5.45 million to the University of New Brunswick’s Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence.
UNB also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Civilized, a cannabis lifestyle media outlet, to help facilitate research and networking opportunities between its Health Research Chair in Cannabis and the global cannabis community.
Meanwhile in Newfoundland, Memorial University earned a spot in the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy’s list of the world’s top post-secondary institutions for the study of marine and ocean engineering. MUN is the only Canadian University to be featured on the list, ranking at number 38 of 44 universities from around the globe.
The College of the North Atlantic has partnered with Anaconda Mining in Baie Verte to work on a collaborative research and development project to improve resource grade determination and control at its Point Rousse Project on the Ming’s Bight Peninsula.
Hanatech, an IoT smart solutions provider in Bedford, Nova Scotia, received grants from two educational institutions to work on its recent projects. The first grant, from Saint Mary’s University, helped Hanatech build its One Smart View portal, a customizable dashboard for people like property managers, building owners or SME’s to manage all their cloud-based devices and connections. Its second grant is with the Nova Scotia Community College to develop a smart farming app that measures factors like weather, humidity, fertilizer etc. and pinpoints ideal harvest times.
The federal government unveiled DeepSense, a Dalhousie University-based oceans research partnership between industry, academia and government. This initiative will help companies benefit from technology solutions for ocean related data and help them make sustainable and better-informed commercial decisions.
And finally, The Maple League of Universities is offering a new, multidisciplinary course that explores the theme of “time”. The online course is delivered through video seminars from four professors from different fields of expertise: Dr. David Hornidge, Physics, Mount Allison University; Dr. Michele Murray, Religion, Bishop’s University; Dr. Michael Cardinal-Aucoin, Biology, St. Francis Xavier University; and Dr. Jeff Hennesy, Music, Acadia University.