Université Sainte-Anne serves Nova Scotia’s French-speaking Acadian community and strives to foster knowledge creation and mobilization in an original and personalized setting. Proud of its Francophone heritage and identity, the university is the province’s only provider of postsecondary learning, innovation and development opportunities in French. With five campuses province-wide, the institution is a partner of choice for applied industrial research.

Research Capabilities

Commercial Fisheries
  • Live lobster supply chain optimization
  • Lobster and snow crab quality improvement
  • Climate change and its impacts on fisheries
  • Sociological studies of rural fishing communities
  • Recirculating aquaculture systems
  • Capture of scallop and oyster spat
  • Improvement of microalgae cultivation systems
  • Open-ocean aquaculture site characterization and optimization
  • Vine cultivation condition optimization for cold climates
  • Biochemical testing of greenhouse compost
  • Wine quality improvements through aroma and aroma precursor characterization
  • Fermentation processes (wine, beer, cider)
  • Microbiological studies of seafood manufacturing processes
Research Centres

The overarching mission of the university’s research centres is to work with the industry to foster both knowledge and technological transfer and applied research.

Marine Research Centre

Located on the Petit de Grat campus, the centre’s mission is to work to ensure the survival and sustainability of the marine and aquaculture sectors in rural communities through research, innovation and education.

Laboratory for Innovation in Science and Industry (LISI)

Situated in Saulnierville, LISI provides scientific and technological infrastructure for a number of industries (fisheries, aquaculture, agri-food) in the areas of biochemistry, microbiology and genomics.

Centre de l’entrepreneuriat Louis-E-Deveau (Louis E. Deveau centre for entrepreneurship) 

The centre is located on the university’s main campus in Church Point (Pointede-l’Église) and is home to the institution’s administrative sciences department, as well as several business service providers and government agencies.

Springboard Representatives

  • Valérie Lalande

    Valérie Lalande

    Director of Research Services, Research Office, Université Sainte-Anne/ Directrice des services de la recherche, Bureau de la recherche, Université Sainte-Anne