The University of Moncton, the largest francophone university in America outside of Quebec, is much more than an educational institution: it is an engine of economic development. At the Université de Moncton we firmly believe that a university’s reputation is built in large part by offering cutting edge research. Driven by its passion for research and driven by the desire to exercise its leadership in a world that values the knowledge industry, the University of Moncton is charting innovative research paths in various fields. The university has about 37 centres, research chairs and research institutes, helping to create an environment conducive to the advancement of knowledge and to foster collaboration between researchers and various partners in society. Activities in this sector are coordinated by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and the Innovation Support Office.

Research Capabilities

Administration – Moncton


  • Organizational behaviour, gender and leadership, female entrepreneurship, family enterprise and transmission
  • Supply chain management, international logistics management, quantitative methods (Management Sciences), project management and operations and technology management
  • Human resources management; labour relations; organizational engagement; organizational change and work organization; employee satisfaction
  • Innovation, entrepreneurship, growth strategy, organizational design, technology trajectories, business networks, small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives
  • Marketing in a context of sustainable development; sustainable development of tourism, especially the hotel industry; corporate social responsibility (RSO) in SMEs; customer satisfaction; environmentally responsible consumers; international marketing
  • Relationship marketing, experiential marketing, consumer behaviour, online services, banking
  • Approximate optimization models, forestry optimization, production management, inventory management
  • Occupational and organizational psychology, management, human resources management, staffing, coaching, corporate training, change management, organizational assessment and diagnosis, organizational development, work climate
  • Corporate strategy, competitive strategies, strategic alliances, M&A, international strategy, corporate governance, creativity management

Business administration

  • Interactive and social processes of innovation and eco-innovation – socio-technical transitions to sustainability – models and tools for strategic management of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility – business ethics – SME management and entrepreneurship – organisational theories – qualitative methods


  • Management accounting, sustainable development
  • Financial Accounting and Audit
  • Management Control, Management Accounting, IAS/IFRS Accounting Standards, Financial Statement Analysis, Contingency Theory for Performance Measurement, NPO Performance Measurement System, municipal performance indicators
  • International accounting standards, corporate financial communications policies, financial statement analysis, governance and financial performance, manipulations of accounting data
  • Business combinations and accounting theory


  • Financial risk assessment and management
  • Financial management; investment choice; banking internationalisation
  • Corporate governance; stock option plans; executive compensation; cash management; initiation transactions
  • Corporate governance; board operations and impact; corporate social responsibility; growth of credit unions in the context of developing countries

Operational Management

  • Optimum design of production systems – Optimization of reliability and maintenance. – Evaluation of system performance. – Heuristics and Metaheuristics. – Discrete optimization methods

Organizational Information Systems

  • E-learning (e-learning) and SMEs, internet/ intranet/ extranet, systems analysis, IT project management and database
  • Theoretical foundations of organisational information systems (IS), strategic and economic aspects of organisational IS and information technology, management of organizational IS development, analysis and design of OIS and e-business applications, web and object-oriented programming principles, organizational IS project management, knowledge management and business intelligence
  • organizational IS Theory, organizational IS Analysis and Design, organizational IS Programming, Internet/Intranet/Extranet and Web Development, E-learning, IT Adoption and Dissemination, IT Management
Arts and Social Sciences – Moncton

Public administration

  • Canadian public administration; public policy; economic development
  • Public policy analysis, instrument approach, institutional approach, deliberative democracy, decision-making, interest-based approach (policy networks), contemporary governance and the role of government, public budgeting, research methodology
  • Well-being at work; work-life balance; new work organizations; new workplaces; distance working; third-party workplaces (coworking, living lab and labs); collaborative innovations; social innovations; social economy; the commons
  • Health system reform; governance; public policy; networked organization
  • Population health, determinants of obesity, population nutrition, public policy, obesogenic environment


  • 19th and early 20th century English Canadian literature; fantasy literature; drama; Charles G.D. Roberts (1860-1943)
  • Canadian literature compared; romantic genre; literary history of cultural nationalism in the nineteenth century


  • Francophone media studies, media analysis in developing countries, journalism, international journalism, science journalism, audio-visual production, radio and television antenna management, crisis communication


  • Criminology, polygamy in Canada, religion and crime; crime and group functioning; consent and sexual deviance; criminal discontinuance or changes in criminal career
  • Criminology; juvenile delinquency; criminal policy; minors at risk; criminal justice; criminal sociology; criminal law of minors; comparative criminal law


  • Economic development; Cooperative economy; International economy; Public economy; Regional economy; Social economy
  • Economics of natural resources and the environment, microeconomic theory, applied econometrics, industrial organisation, contract theory, forestry economics
  • Natural resources, energy and environmental economics; international economy; political economy; economic growth and development; public finance; applied microeconomy


  • Environmental policies; environmental sociology; energy sector – environment and development; multinational companies; political economy – social networks; quantitative methods; qualitative methods and participatory research


  • Linguistics (formal semantics, syntax, language acquisition)


  • Economic and rural geography, regional disparities, territorial development, demographic ageing, social economy
  • Applied physical geography, environmental monitoring, climate change, natural hazards, watershed management


  • History of France (16001800); history of law; rural history
  • History of contemporary Europe
  • Social and Economic History, Canada / Maritimes, 1867 to present
  • History; Colonial Acadia; Canada; French Atlantic
  • History; middle ages; state; elites; prosopography; politics; justice; networks
  • Research in the comparative history of popular myths and beliefs (marginalities and popular cultures)


  • Bilingualism – multilingualism; language contact; bi-multilingual development and behaviour; comparative languages and cultures; conversational analysis; computerized and statistical analysis of textual data; Acadian sociolinguistics; Armenian sociolinguistics; Canadian immigration, Aboriginal language and cultures
  • Description of contemporary Acadian French (especially in its morphosyntaxic and more widely discursive dimension)history of Acadian linguistics in order to establish a historiography of the ancient and modern works published on French spoken in Acadia; study of representations and ideologies in scholarly texts
  • Immigration, linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics (dialectology); historical linguistics; lexicology and lexicography; philology; lexicon, pragmatic and morphosyntaxic systems of Acadian French


  • Acadian literature, French literatures of Canada, space and literature, sociology of literature, France Daigle, J. R. Lévéillé
  • 20th century French literature; Quebec literature; Louis-Ferdinand Céline; Germaine Guèvremont; genre theory; novel theory; figure theory
  • Quebec literature, intercultural approach to literary analysis
  • Quebec literature; literary relations between Quebec and the United States; representations of the North American Francophonie
  • Poetry; textual analysis; literary creation; 20th century Acadian literature
  • Text/image relations; 19th century French literature; study of references to visual arts in 19th century French literature and Acadian literature


  • Clarinet (20th century music) chamber music saxophone musical analysis
  • Music education
  • Lute, classical guitar, musicology (baroque music), harmony, counterpoint
  • Musicology (Middle Ages and Renaissance), historical counterpoint, paleography and codicology
  • Piano
  • Musical theory and composition


  • Ancient philosophy and German philosophy
  • Spirit Philosophy, Epistemology and Buddhist Philosophy
  • Political, social and moral philosophy

Political science

  • Comparative politics and Francophonie; migration and politics
Law – Moncton


  • Administrative, comparative and contract law
  • Intellectual property law, insolvency and bankruptcy law, claims and collateral law
  • Health law, medical ethics, forensic epistemology, responsibilities (professional, tort, criminal)
  • Environmental law, natural resource law, insurance law, children’s law, human rights, legal drafting
  • International law, theory of law and philosophy
Engineering – Moncton

Civil engineering

  • In-situ testing; soil-structure interaction; foundations; finite element methods; plasticity; fracture mechanics; road geotechnics
  • Hydrology, Environmental Engineering
  • Hydrology, hydrogeology, hydrological modelling, women in science and engineering
  • Fluid-structure interactions; structural dynamics; structural optimization; experimental and numerical wind simulation around buildings; experimental and numerical snow simulation on buildings

Electrical engineering

  • High frequency integrated circuits (MMIC): coplanar technology, GaAs, GaN. genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, neural networks. Signal processing (ADV signals, LDV) in wind tunnel
  • Automatic control, wireless RFID and sensors, mechatronics, ambient intelligence, industrial automation, manufacturing, systems simulation, operations management and scheduling, discrete event systems
  • Electric motor control, energy optimization in industrial electronic AC motors, system control
  • Power electronics, renewable energies, multiobjective multicriteria optimization of energy systems, implementation of control algorithms with and without sensors in VLSI technology (FPGAS and DSPS)
  • Electronics and intelligent systems; telecommunications and fibre optics; microcontrollers and embedded software; smart homes and energy management; light-emitting diode lighting; assessment of the qualifications required in engineering programs
  • Diffractive elements, optical interconnections, wave-guided therapeutic methods, optics and multimedia, hybrid fibre/wireless systems, optical fibre networks, optical design, optical aberrations, biomedical engineering and electronic network learning
  • Identification and control of piezoelectric motors; design of non-linear controllers for variable speed engines and drives; implementation in real time using DSPS; development of specialized electrical engineering software
  • Kinematics of parallel manipulators, synthesis of parallel manipulators, kinematic redundancy in parallel manipulators
  • Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSD), Biomechanics and Human Upper Limb Movement Analysis, Work Study, Human
Science – Moncton


  • Non-coding RNAs, brain tumours, cold adaptation, biomarker identification, molecular biology
  • Inflammatory arthritis, microparticles, inflammatory mediators
  • Biochemistry, organelle, autophagy, cell death mechanism, cancer, kidney, tumor suppression gene, targeted therapy, chemotherapy
  • Immunology; oncology; apoptosis; cell biology; molecular biology; gene regulation and expression; RNA biology; intracellular signalling; cell activation; gene therapy; transcription factors; Pax5; lymphocyte B, PD1
  • Metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids; lipid mediators of inflammation; regulation of 5-lipoxygenase; leukocytes
  • Mitochondria, cellular physiology, oxidative stress, aging, evolution, diet, diabetes


  • Evolutionary biology, molecular and cellular biology, genomics and bioinformatics, population genetics, non-coding DNA, genome stability, cytogenetics
  • Molecular biology of steroidogenesis, transcriptional regulation, molecular endocrinology, gonadal physiology, obesity
  • Plant biology; plant/micro-organism interactions; molecular biology; genomics; bioinformatics
  • Northern and temperate ecology; wildlife management and conservation; trophic interactions; mammalogy; biostatistics; theoretical ecology
  • Polar ecology, food webs, predator-prey relationship, modelling, biodiversity and biogeography, biostatistics, environmental monitoring, molecular ecology, animal behaviour, capture-marking-recapture, dispersion monitoring, ecological and traditional knowledge
  • Terrestrial ecology, entomology, plant interactions / herbivores / natural enemies and biocontrol
  • Marine invertebrates (polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans); larval ecology; hydrosedimentary processes; population dynamics; marine ecosystems
  • Marine invertebrates; physiological responses to human and natural stresses in bivalve aquaculture; bivalve feeding; winter physiology; sustainable development
  • Metabolism; bioenergetic; proteomics; mitochondrial physiology; signalling; mitochondrial dynamics; mitochondrial diseases; phosphorylation
  • Fish physiology; protein metabolism; single carbon unit metabolism; creatine metabolism
  • Physiology of stress in aquatic animals; nutrition in aquatic animals; development of alternative ingredients for aquaculture


  • Catalysis, nanomaterials, radical chemistry, photochemistry and university education
  • Environmental chemistry; environmental science; aquatic ecosystem contaminant dynamics; bioaccumulation mechanisms; ecotoxicology
  • Medicinal chemistry and organic synthesis
  • Organic chemistry, catalysis and kinetics
  • Organic chemistry; homogeneous catalysis; heterogeneous catalysis; catalysis in water; organometallic; green chemistry; oxidation; reduction; hydrogenation; coupling; pharmaceuticals, thin layers, and nanomaterials
  • Organometallic and coordination chemistry; inert atmosphere chemistry; bio-polymers, biodegradable composites; nuclear magnetic resonance, high-performance liquid chromatography Behaviour of organic matter in the environment and development of methods for organic matter
  • Design, development and properties of nanoporous materials for applications in nanotechnology, biotechnology, medicine and information technology. Raman and FTIR micro-spectroscopy, theoretical and practical aspects
  • The fate of metal contaminants in the environment


  • Territorial development; participation; concertation; governance; integrated coastal zone management; adaptation to climate change
  • Wind; solar; biomass; small hydro; climate change; resource assessment and public policy
  • Influence of watershed transformation and climate variability on water quality and aquatic food chains (biodiversity, phytoplankton and zooplankton productivity) various approaches including palaeoecology, stable isotope analysis and landscape ecology

Information Management

  • Human interaction system, language industry, electronic and mobile services, ubiquity and artificial intelligence, interactive technologies for assisting people with special needs, green information technology, telecommunications and business, RFID technology, biometrics and information security
  • Information management, strategic organizational resource: strategic intelligence and communication, knowledge management, competitive intelligence, Forward-looking; comparative approach to models and information systems to support competitiveness
  • Research in Acadian institutional religious heritage; documentary, ethical and political management of information; classification and operation of Acadian documentary holdings; private archival archives including corporate and religious archives

Computer Science

  • Parallel architectures, distributed systems, real-time systems, RDP modeling, Internet applications
  • Medical imaging, digital angiography and ultrasound, deformable models, optical flow, image processing
  • Signal and image processing, computer vision and internet technologies
  • Computer vision, machine learning, Deep Learning, infrared imaging, robotics (industrial, drones), intelligent systems, high performance computing


  • Combinatorics, statistical mechanics, graph theory, Weights of Mayer and Ree-Hoover, method of graph homomorphisms and polynomial Ehrhart
  • Mixed finite elements, hybridization, flow of viscoelastic fluids, non-newtonian fluids, singularities, mesh refinement
  • Numerical methods, finite element method, solid mechanics, large deformation materials, industrial applications
  • Mathematical modeling; general relativity; unitary theory of theoretical physics; Casimir effect; development and application of mathematics based on the notion of inverse compos; studies of vibrations and new musical instruments; number theory
  • Extreme value theory, Bayesian approaches, CJCR methods. Areas of application: statistical hydrology, climate change and health
  • Functional model of continuous matches; factor regression; analysis
Health Sciences and Community Services – Moncton

Family studies

  • Financial resource management; textiles; clothing; clothing behaviour; educational approaches; family studies


  • Safe driving; human physiology; autonomous nervous system; psychobiology; aging; rehabilitation
  • Physical education and sport, human psychomotor skills, sports training, tennis
  • Workplace wellness; abuse and homophobia in sport; sport for international development
  • Health and physical activity

Recreation (Leisure)

  • Recreation planning and fit-up, development needs and skills of recreational workers
  • Natural and cultural heritage tourism; tourism amenities; museum visitors; national parks visitors; recreation; therapeutic recreation; recreation and seniors; recreation and persons with disabilities; recreation and special groups
  • Tourism; Economic Benefits; Recreation, Sports and Tourism Marketing


  • Iron deficiency during pregnancy; impact of maternal impairment on the iron status of the child and on the development of the central nervous system of the offspring; effects on metabolism of essential fatty acids and eiccosanoids of the brain and the processes of learning and memory of offspring
  • Nutrition and aging, LTC meal experience, nutrition screening and assessment, institutional factors and risk of malnutrition in LTC, quality of life of the elderly
  • Public, community and international nutrition, infant and young child nutrition, nutrition policies, food security and multi-sectoral approaches
  • Nutrition; carcinogenesis; obesity; aging


  • Human cognition and perception, modeling, same-different task, accumulation models, quantitative method education, decision making, artificial neural network
  • Social cognition, development, reading, emotional facial expressions, eye movements
  • Development of cognitive foundations of reading and arithmetic; learning disabilities in reading and arithmetic
  • Early adult development; couple relationships: marriage and cohabitation; parent role: parental satisfaction, work-family conflict, parental alliance; clinical psychology; determinants of psychological health
  • Mental illness (depression, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress), chronic diseases (heart, diabetes, kidney failure, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD), lifestyle (tobacco, physical activity, nutrition), gender/sex and health (gender differences), health prevention and promotion, primary care
  • Adult clinical neuropsychology (e.g., Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia) and psychopathology
  • Neurosciences, experimental neuropsychology, neuroanatomy, behavioural studies, animal psychopharmacology and electrophysiology. Education neuroscience and human electrophysiology
  • Child clinical psychology; school psychology (bullying and school climate, neurodevelopmental disorders, intellectual giftedness)
  • Clinical Psychology of Emerging Adults and Adults, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) anxiety and depression, self-managed treatments, telepsychotherapy
  • Cognitive psychology: working memory and reading
  • Family psychology; couple psychology; psychopathology
  • Differential psychology, individual differences in cognitive, psychometric and cognitive development
  • Occupational and organizational psychology (industrial/organizational), leadership, individual differences and the world of work, person-work fit, positive organizational psychology
  • Social psychology, parenting roles, traditional and egalitarian attitudes in the couple, paternal involvement, health psychology
  • Intergroup relations, employment equity programs and traditional and contemporary biases
  • Child and youth mental health, cognitive effectiveness, neuropsychology


  • Development of knowledge based on the thought of becoming human (family, community, nursing practice), existential perspective, universal phenomena «to have faith», «to trust another», «to feel at home», “feeling strong”, “suffering”, “feeling at peace”, “doing the right thing”
  • Domain of aging, in particular the dimensions of home support and aging in linguistic minority communities; community health; qualitative research
  • Children with chronic health problems, educational approaches and the health of francophones in minority communities. Wellness in the Workplace
  • Nursing work environment, recruitment and retention of new graduates
  • Management of adult cardiovascular risk factors; changing health behaviours; adapted, iterative and customized computerized feedback system
  • Health promotion and disease prevention, public health, community health, Aboriginal health and adolescent health
  • Acute and critical adult care, reading club, success

Clinical Sciences

  • Community health, nutrition and physical activity in childhood and adolescence, behavioural sciences, influence of the physical and social environment, obesity prevention, health promotion interventions

Food Science

  • Food, nutrition and health; chronic disease prevention; food security (SA); sustainable development, local and international: SA and environment, sustainability in agriculture and food, industrial ecology and food, ecohealth; nutrition and food safety; characterization/enhancement/enhancement of bioproducts and food products; agri-food technologies (engineering graduate)
  • Microbiology, biotechnology and agri-food, biochemistry, molecular biology, lactic fermentations, probiotics, nutraceuticals, lytic protein purification, food technology
  • Physico-chemistry and microbiology of dairy products. Bacterial fermentations in bioreactors, bioencapsulation and production of ferments in mixed culture
Education Sciences – Moncton


  • Accompaniment and modelling of identity changes, evaluation methods and valorisation of interventions in guidance psychology, representations and stereotypes related to professions, intercultural competence in education and guidance, competence in vocational and personal guidance
  • School adaptation, resource teaching, teacher collaboration and school inclusion
  • Education administration and school management; foundations of education administration; scientific research methodology in education administration; legal aspects of education; vocational learning community; school and community; leadership and authority; quality management in education; supervision of education
  • Interpersonal communication, group facilitation, interpersonal dimension of education, mentoring relationship in education
  • Life-Career Counselling, Interpersonal Communication, Group Facilitation, Personal Effectiveness and Resilience in Individuals in Orientation-Reorientation, Integration-Reintegration, Adaptation-vocational rehabilitation
  • Geography to High School; History to High School; Humanities to Elementary; Citizenship Education; University Pedagogy; Intercultural
  • Mathematics Teaching (Elementary and Secondary); Math Gifted Children; Learning and ICT; Digital Skills; New Trends in Education; Comparative Education/Education Systems
  • Visual Arts Teaching in Elementary and Secondary Education; Archival Arts Teaching; History of Visual Arts Teaching in Acadia; Ethno-Aesthetic Approach; Acadian Culture; Program Development Portfolio. Creative process. Historical methodologies. Qualitative methods
  • Mathematics teaching; development of mathematical reasoning; use of online communication tools in mathematics courses; difficulties/barriers faced by students in mathematics; course planning; assessment of learnings
  • Science Teaching, Science Learning and Teaching in High School (9-12), Science Language Development, Science Interests Development
  • Teaching French in primary; writing process in mother tongue and second language; teaching from reading to primary
  • Effective schools, school administration, teaching effectiveness, poverty and academic achievement
  • Environmental Education (Developing a Family Environmental Competency); Ecophenomenology; Exploiting ICT in Education; Nature Science Teaching; Motivation and Classroom Management
  • Francization; integration of language in other school subjects; French teaching; reading comprehension; minority language education
  • Inclusive schooling; inclusive pedagogies and practices; legislation and policies related to inclusive schooling
  • Integration of artistic and cognitive approaches in the minority Francophone context; qualitative research methodology, epistemological and ontological aspects; heuristics, hermeneutics, inventive and holistic paradigm; contemplative practices and human ecology in the context of globalization; notions of balance, movement and health in pedagogy and physical work; alternative pedagogies and awareness-raising
  • Educational leadership in Francophone and Acadian minority communities, learning and teaching, elementary education, principals in Francophone minority communities: training, leadership and creativity
  • Education philosophy; fundamentals of education; critical thinking; citizenship education
  • Learning disabilities; diagnostic assessment; behavioural problems; rehabilitation
Arts and Literature – Shippagan


  • Linguistics, Semiotics, Semiology, Anthropology and Ethnology
  • Sociolinguistics; languages and social inequalities; linguistic ideologies and representations; identity building; Acadian studies


  • Acadian studies Francophone literature; literary history; sociological formalism
  • French and Hispanic Studies


  • Writing, linguistics, semantics, onomastics, textual semantics and lexical, semantic analysis of digital products
Education, Kinesiology and Recreational Management – Shippagan


  • Stress-coping, phenomenology-hermeneutics, existential phenomenon, adolescents, school environment and positive psychology


  • Geomatics: remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS)
  • Forestry Operations and the Forest Economy
  • Pedology, ecology, biostatistics
  • Forest policy, social forestry, indigenous peoples and natural resource management
  • Forestry and forest ecology
Nursing – Shippagan


  • Adult mental health issues, concepts of stress, coping, chronicity and quality of life; learning needs of sick adults and health education; research methodology and professional ethics
  • Mother-Child Care, Breastfeeding and Health Education
Humanities and Social Sciences – Shippagan


  • Human, Social and Cultural Geography


  • Acadian History, Women’s History (Canada, 20th Century) and Labour History (Canada, 20th Century) and Commemoration in Acadia


  • Political, modern and contemporary philosophy


  • Comparative cognition, learning, spatial memory, research methods and statistics
  • Maltreatment and family issues; foster care; coping strategies; childhood development and issues; social psychology; women


  • Sociology of Acadia, sociology of knowledge, historical sociology

Springboard Representatives

  • Andre Chiasson

    Andre Chiasson

    Director, Innovation Support Office (BSI), Université de Moncton

  • Marie-Laure Pokou

    Marie-Laure Pokou

    Development Officer, Innovation Support Office (BSI), Université de Moncton

  • Pauline Roy

    Pauline Roy

    Agente d’innovation, Bureau de soutien à l’innovation (BSI), Faculté des études supérieures et de la recherche (FESR), Université de Moncton

  • Pierre Doucet

    Pierre Doucet

    Innovation Officer, Center for Precision Medicine, Université de Moncton