Clean Growth ideathon

Cornerbrook Newfoundland, Canada

econext is returning with another clean growth ideathon for post-secondary students.  They are teaming up with Navigate Small Business and the Centre for Social Enterprise for this event. Watch for […]

SMU’s Arena Pitch Competition

The Arena Pitch Competition (formally March Madness) showcases post-secondary students, recent grads, and alumni pitchers throughout the month of March. Modelled after the NCAA March Madness basketball competition, 64 entrepreneurs […]

Annual Fishermen & Scientists Research Society Conference & AGM

Best Western Hotel & Suites Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

The FSRS is a local non-profit organization that has promoted the long-term sustainability of the marine fishing industry in Atlantic Canada by active collaboration between fishermen and scientists since 1994. […]

Down East Brew Conference

Delta Fredericton Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Save the dates: March 7-8, 2024 at the Delta Fredericton in Fredericton NB. Watch for details.

Mel Woodward Entrepreneurship Cup

St John’s St John's, Newfoundland, Canada

The Mel Woodward Cup is a startup pitch competition delivered by the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE). The competition helps accelerate the most innovative and high-potential student-led startups at Memorial University. This […]

Incitatifs à l’innovation au N.-B. (Partie 2)

Shippigan New Brunswick, Canada

Le 21 mars, venez découvrir comment protéger votre propriété intellectuelle et bénéficier des programmes de soutien pour les projets entrepreneuriaux innovants. Vous avez une idée innovante ? Vous voulez la […]

PEI Cleantech Innovative Collaborations

Delta Hotel, Charlottetown Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Celebrating Cleantech Innovators and Partnerships in PEI! “Are you interested in learning more about cleantech on PEI? Do you want to connect with professionals and community members looking to learn […]