Envenio Inc. Sells To The Government Via The Built In Canada Innovation Program

The Build in Canada Innovation Program is designed to buy new products and services from Canadian startup companies to test and validate the technology and to act as their important first sale. This is especially important for Atlantic Canada where there are fewer big businesses to serve as B2B clients. Envenio Inc. was formed in 2015 as a spinoff company from The University oif New Brunswick and has now signed a $492,000 contract with the government. Envenio produces air- and fluid-flow simulation software, EXN/Aero, which allows engineers to simulate air or fluid movement around objects. The company’s algorithms allow basic computers to simulate the flow of these substances. Like a virtual wind tunnel, it can chart the interactions of liquids and gases in specific conditions and with certain solid shapes. The Build in Canada contract will allow Defence Research and Development Canada, National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces to test Envenio’s simulation software. To read the full article on Entrevestor, click here.