More than $82 million will be invested through Natural Resources Canada’s ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative (ecoEII) for 55 innovative projects across Canada. Of these, 15 will be pre-commercialization demonstration projects to test the feasibility of various technologies, and 40 will be research and development projects to address knowledge gaps and bring technologies from the conceptual stage to the ready-to-be-tested stage of development.
Research and Development (R&D) Projects in Atlantic Canada
Carbon Storage Onshore Nova Scotia – Injection Site Characterization
Lead Proponent: Carbon Capture and Storage Research Consortium of Nova Scotia (CCSNS)
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Funding: $4,500,000
The goal of this project is to characterize and assess potential geologic sequestration formations in the Sydney sub-basin of Nova Scotia in order to assess the feasibility of a preferred site for onshore geological storage of CO2.
Surface Containment Monitoring for Carbon Capture and Storage
Lead Proponent: St. Francis Xavier University
Location: Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Funding: $756,236
The objective of this project is to produce clear recommendations for surface Monitoring Verification and Accounting (MVA) for carbon capture and storage. MVA tools are used to track the location where CO2 is injected, to ensure that injection and abandoned wells are not leaking, and to verify the quantity of CO2 that has been injected underground. The project will also generate new data related to atmospheric MVA tools, done in differing ecotypes.
Reducing the Cost of In-stream Tidal Energy Generation through Comprehensive Hydrodynamic Site Assessment
Lead Proponent: Acadia University
Location: Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Funding: $1,630,112
This project consists of a comprehensive and innovative site assessment at three tidal energy development sites with a view to determining the configuration and design of an optimal turbine array, which minimizes the cost of the electricity produced. The assessment of the sites will not only focus on greatest energy potential, but will also consider the engineering, construction and operational costs associated with different tidal energy converter technologies. The results will be used to optimize the design of the arrays and to estimate the maintenance and operational costs for each site.
Demonstration Projects (one involves Nova Scotia)
Integrating Renewables and Conservation Measures in a Net-Zero Energy Low-Rise Residential Subdivision
Lead Proponent: Owens Corning Canada LP
Location: Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta
Funding: $1,962,870
The objective of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of building Net-Zero Energy Housing (NZEH) Communities in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta. The idea behind a Net-Zero Energy home is that it produces at least as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis. The project will also help address the challenges in building to NZEH performance levels specific to production housing and to act as a platform for the broader adoption of NZEH across Canada.