Dal Research Chair In Occupational Medicine

Dr. Anil Adisesh is the inaugural J.D. Irving, Limited Research Chair in Occupational Medicine at Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick. Dr. Adisesh qualified in medicine at the University of Liverpool, (UK). He moved to Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals in London (UK) specialising in occupational medicine. He undertook postgraduate research on the health effects of organic dust exposures for his Doctorate at the University of Manchester (UK). He has been a specialist physician since 1997 and has worked at the UK’s National Health and Safety Laboratory. Dr. Adisesh is chair of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Working Group on Occupational Health for the Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 11). As co-chair to the International Labour Organisation Working Group on diagnostic and exposure criteria guidance on occupational diseases, he has been compiling information that will be of use to physicians, legislators and others concerned with occupational health. Learn more about Dr. Adisesh’s areas of research. Occupational medicine focuses on the prevention and diagnoses of workplace diseases and injuries. Specifically, it concentrates on the recognition and understanding of mechanisms, exposure assessment, and the prevention of adverse effects of workplaces on health. Areas of research in occupational medicine include:
  • the contribution of workplaces to wellbeing
  • the effects of illness and age on the ability to work
  • occupational toxicology and nanotoxicology
  • occupational respiratory disease and allergy
  • occupational skin disease
  • clinical coding