Changing The World One Technology At A Time: The Atlantic Biorefinery Conference To Kick Off In Edmu
The Atlantic Biorefinery Conference, Canada’s premier conference on biorefining and bioprocessing, will kick off May 27th – 29th in Edmundston, New Brunswick. What started out as an idea for a small Atlantic event around current issues in biorefining, has transformed into a conference that attracts international presenters and spawns strategic partnerships.
Biorefining is a suite of technologies that enables the transformation of natural resources and industry by‐products into high value‐added products for global markets. These innovations in traditional natural resource‐based industries are creating high value employment, launching new businesses, and increasing the prosperity of our biomass rich region.
Over a dozen speakers are travelling from across Canada and Europe to deliver presentations on an array of topics including biofuels, bioenergy, opportunities involving marine bacteria, transformational agricultural technologies, and value‐add forestry technologies to reflect Edmundston’s proximity to major sawmills and forestry operations. Guests from industry, academia and the public sector will participate in a panel discussion “Impacts of Government Policy on the Development of Biomass to Energy and Biomass to Value Added Products Industries,” which will explore how Atlantic Canada can transform these innovations into drivers of economic growth.
The conference will also feature a talk from Chris de Visser, an active champion for the Dutch bioeconomy who operates ACRRES in Lelystad, The Netherlands. ACRRES is an application centre and test site for renewable resources that co‐develops innovations in partnership with private companies and research institutions; a model pilot site for small scale industrial biorefining.
“Our Government, through ACOA, is pleased to support the Atlantic Biorefinery Conference as it brings world‐class biorefinery researchers and leaders to our region and showcases the excellent work that is being done in the field here in New Brunswick,” said the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, and Member of Parliament for Madawaska‐Restigouche.
“The conference is an opportunity to witness the benefits of value‐added processes and to see firsthand how natural resources can be used to boost productivity, helping to create a stronger and more sustainable economy.”
The first day of the Atlantic Biorefinery Conference will feature a full day of technology demonstration tours at local industry and research facilities, with visits to:
– Groupe Savoie Inc. ‐ a wood processer that employs over 550 employees
– DAVIA Forest Products ‐ a producer of pure organic DAVIA sap water that comes from maple trees
– Le Collège communautaire du Nouveau‐Brunswick’s Biorefinery Technology Scale‐Up Centre ‐a research centre that supports the regional biorefining and biotechnology ecosystem
– LaForge Bioenvironmental – operates a commercial biogas production plant that turns waste into energy
The Atlantic region holds significant research and development capacity in this nascent sector, showcased by the record number of academic posters to be featured as part of this year’s Poster Session. Students from Memorial University, Dalhousie University, le Collège communautaire du Nouveau‐Brunswick, and La Cité (Ottawa) will compete for poster prizes in the area of applied science and technology.
The organizing committee is proud to be showcasing the scope of technologies and innovative research in the Atlantic region and beyond, and looks forward to the collaborative biorefining projects that will emerge from the conference.
About the Organisers
Le Collège communautaire du Nouveau‐Brunswick
The CCNB is a modern student focused College with five campuses geographically located across Northern New Brunswick and in Dieppe. The CCNB contributes to the economic development of the communities it serves, with more than 90 programs that meet labour market needs. As an entrepreneurial and innovative College, CCNB adapts to the rapidly changing economy, supports the activities of applied research and encourages innovation. The Biorefinery Technology Scale‐up Centre located in Grand‐Falls, NB, supports the industry in its bioproduct/biorefining promotion efforts.
Springboard Atlantic
Springboard Atlantic helps move Canadian expertise and innovations from the labs and minds of academic researchers to final products in the marketplace. Springboard Atlantic is a regional commercialization and industry liaison network. Our members represent 18 Atlantic Canadian universities and colleges. Springboard members increase research commercialization collaborations, supports the creation of new and improved products, streamline processes and help develop a skilled and competitive workforce.
Driving New Brunswick’s Bioeconomy, BioNB connects, supports and advocates for NB’s biosciences sector. BioNB provides business development, mentoring and coaching support to New Brunswick’s bioscience entrepreneurs and companies. BioNB hosts regular events to foster sector networking and educate companies, decision makers and the public on current issues and emerging trends. In collaboration with a vibrant ecosystem of companies, research institutions and partners, BioNB is dedicated to enabling a thriving bioeconomy in our region.