Call To Action: ACOA’s Clean Technology Initiative

In early December, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency issued a Call to Action inviting Atlantic Canadian companies, communities and non-profit organizations to develop proposals for projects that promote clean growth through clean technology. In support of this call, ACOA has earmarked $20 million for clean technology projects in 2016-17. Applications should be submitted on or before March 31, 2017. As part of the Atlantic Growth Strategy, a federal-provincial initiative announced July 2016, the Government of Canada and the governments of the four Atlantic Provinces are committed to taking action to promote clean growth, create jobs and drive innovation in the transition to a low-carbon economy. This call to action builds on that commitment. The aim of this clean growth strategy is to foster the development of a clean economy. The driver for this goal is the focused support of clean technology. Clean technology, whether through development, adaptation or adoption, includes products, processes and services that improve environmental performance in support of sustainable development and clean growth. This strategy will create jobs, and by developing and marketing clean technology products and services, it is poised to help companies grow new markets and provide a competitive edge. Companies adopting clean technology processes for their own operations may lower costs, enhance efficiencies and increase output, all of which improves competitiveness. Communities and non-profits will be able to become eco-friendlier through this program. The objectives of ACOA’s Clean Technology Initiative are:
  • To encourage Atlantic Canadian businesses, communities and non-profit organizations to access ACOA programs to innovate and develop clean technology products, services or processes;
  • To help companies adapt and adopt clean technology that make their work processes more efficient and less costly;
  • To help communities and non-profit organizations become eco-friendlier through the adoption or adaptation of clean technologies in community facilities;
  • To help non-profit organizations such as institutions of higher learning conduct research and development on clean technology products, services and processes;
  • To promote clean growth as a way to grow the economy of Atlantic Canada; and
  • To diversify the region’s economy, open up new markets and generate good jobs for Atlantic Canadians.
Examples of successful cleantech companies: CarbonCure Technologies, NS Allowing concrete producers to reuse carbon dioxide during the manufacturing process is the latest breakthrough technology for the building industry. The use of the CO2 in this new technology lowers the cost, reduces the overall carbon footprint and improves the quality of the concrete. Springboard Atlantic member role in helping Carbon Sense Solutions: The R&D provided by Dalhousie University enabled the optimization of the concrete production process as well as providing potential future applications for this technology. Fast forward to 2016 and building on this foundation, Robert Niven received a $10,000 Manning Award for founding CarbonCure Technologies and helping develop this breakthrough technology. Eigen Innovations, NB Industrial production lines are very complex and the ever-evolving machines generate an enormous amount of data, requiring companies to be able to process this data quickly and accurately to maintain production quality, while reducing costs, time and energy consumption. However, many companies are unable to process. Founded in 2012, Eigen Innovations addressed these manufacturing issues with the patenting of their Intellexon® platform, using data analytics to provide higher accuracy, faster implementation time, and continuous adaptation to changes in the production line. Started with an investment from the New Brunswick Innovation Fund, Eigen is a spin-off company from applied research conducted by University of New Brunswick researcher and co-founder Rick Dubay. An example of this technology in action is the collaboration with McCain Foods Ltd., Eigen and UNB in a 2 year NSERC CRD . Solace Power, NL Launched in 2007 Solace Power boasts a truly unique adaptation of clean technology, being the first in the world to develop this novel, innovative technology. RC2 (Resonant Capacitive Coupling) eliminates the need for any bulky power cables and chargers for devices. Instead, power is delivered wirelessly and efficiently. Everyone from aerospace and defense companies to the automotive industry to consumers are showing great interest in this technology.  Leaving the Genesis Centre (Memorial University’s award-winning business incubator) in 2013 Solace Power now has 22 employees. SabrTech, NS Founded in 2010, SabrTech is producing the world’s first modular, scalable, and rapidly deployable bio film platform to produce algae biomass for aquaculture, fuel, nutraceuticals, chemicals and personal care products. SabrTech’s innovative technology RiverBoxTM is revolutionizing the way algae is produced by working in a sustainable way with nature to achieve economic and social progress.  Addressing SabrTech’s R&D needs, supporting the technology development, Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Community College (two Springboard Atlantic members) have been working closely with SabrTech between 2012 and 2015. Dal researchers focused on various aspects of algal related product development (bioreactorsoils and biomass), while NSCC worked on the prototype development and full scale continuous algal biomass production. Springboard Atlantic member institutions in Atlantic Canada have the knowhow and research capacity to help companies in clean technology development. We can find the expertise you require. To find out more contact us at or at (902)-421-5678.