4Front Atlantic Conference Seeking Input For Regional Success

The 4Front Atlantic Conference steering committee today released a draft action plan designed to deliver concrete, private-sector led strategies to create opportunities for Atlantic Canadians in a changing global market. At the 4Front of Change: An Action Plan for Atlantic Canada is based on feedback from the five working groups formed at the second installment of the 4Front Atlantic Conference last spring. There are five areas of focus: talent, innovation and productivity; going global; access to capital; and, government. The working groups have spent the past year developing strategies to advance these areas. The steering committee is hoping to stimulate discussion and hopefully action in preparation for the final conference on May 30 in Halifax. “Sharing the plan at this stage will help ensure our final action plan is something that is as actionable as it is aspirational,” says George Cooper, Interim President of the University of King’s College, Counsel to McInnes Cooper and member of the 4Front Atlantic Conference steering committee. “Our goal is to launch a plan that will deliver results for this region long after the conference has ended.” The public is encouraged to visit www.4frontatlantic.com to review the draft and add their ideas. “We hope the draft action plan will stimulate a dialogue across the region about what individuals can do to help create economic opportunities,” explains John Bragg, 4Front Atlantic Conference chair. “We want to leverage the commitment for this region from this draft stage through to execution. In order for people to commit their hearts, minds and talents to making a difference in the region, their needs and ideas must be reflected in our final action plan.” “The goal is not just to talk about change – and there has been very good talk – but to launch an action plan to deliver concrete results long after the 2013 conference,” says Kevin Lynch, Vice Chair, BMO Financial Group and member of the 4Front Atlantic Steering Committee. Public feedback will be incorporated with input provided by 4Front Atlantic Conference delegates to produce a final action plan that will be released after the 4Front Atlantic Conference. To review the draft, submit ideas or learn more about the 4Front Atlantic working groups, visit: www.4frontatlantic.com. About the 4Front Atlantic Conference The 2013 4Front Atlantic Conference, hosted by BMO Financial Group and McInnes Cooper, will bring together, on May 30th in Halifax, over 200 Atlantic Canadian business and academic thought leaders for the third installment of a critical undertaking to help Atlantic Canada businesses succeed in a changing global economy. This year’s conference will feature world-renown speakers, including his Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada and Dominic Barton, Worldwide Managing Director, McKinsey & Company, and opportunities for participants to commit to concrete actions and strategies to seize the best opportunities for Atlantic Canadians. More information about the conference can be found at: http://www.4frontatlantic.com/